7. Mai 2022

The pathology of ideological possession

The idea that something should be consistent, you were talking about the necessity for consistency in ideology, it’s like, I’m not hearing what YOU think. I’m hearing how you’re able to represent the ideology you were taught. And it’s not that interesting. Because I don’t know anything about you. I could replace you with someone else who thinks the same way. And that means you’re not here. That is what it means. It’s not pleasant. So, you’re not integrating the specifics of your personal experience with what you’ve been taught, to synthesize something that’s genuine and surprising, and engaging in a narrative sense as a consequence. And that’s the pathology of ideological possession. It’s not good. And it’s not good that I know where you stand on things once I know a few things. It’s like why have a conversation? I already know where you stand on things.
Jordan Peterson
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