27. Dezember 2011

if you really understand your problem,
don't worry about design

You don't ever have to worry about beauty or pretty because if you really understand your problem, if you solve it correctly, so life really goes on - that is regeneration of life -  and you do it economically,  so economically, it is realizable, it always comes out beautiful.

That's why rose is beautiful.

- The World of Buckminster Fuller (1974)

23. Dezember 2011

modern times

That's the joy of our way of life.
We use only what we don't need.
We do only what is not necessary.

- Barbary House, Kung Fu (1974)

21. Dezember 2011

soul mates

When you know who you are,
you are enlightened.
When you know who I am,
you are a master.
When I get to know who I am
and to know who you are,
we are soul mates.

- pantopia

11. Dezember 2011

the last trial

- Do not look in her eye. Ikran is not horse. Once shahaylu is made, ikran will fly with only one hunter in the whole life. To become taronyu, hunter, you must choose your own ikran and he must choose you.
- When?
- When you are ready.

You are ready.

Learning to ride an ikran, we call them banshees, is the test every young hunter has to pass. But to do that, you gotta go where the banshees are.

- Now what?
- Jakesully will go first.
- Now you choose your ikran. This you must feel inside. If he also chooses you, move quick like I showed. You will have one chance, Jake.
- How will I know if he chooses me?
- He will try to kill you.
- Outstanding.

Let's dance!

- Make the bond!

- Yeah, that's right. You're mine. Huh?

- First flight seals the bond. You cannot wait. Think, "Fly!"

The Na'vi say that every person is born twice.
The second time is when you earn your place among The People forever.

You are Omaticaya now. You may make your bow from the wood of Hometree.
And you may choose a woman. We have many fine women. Ninat is the best singer.
- But I don't want Ninat.
- Beyral is a good hunter.
- Yeah, she is a good hunter.
   I've already chosen. But this woman must also choose me.
- She already has. I am with you now, Jake. We are mated for life.

- Avatar (2009)
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