29. August 2013


"What is that, knowing which, we shall know everything?" Thus, all books, and all philosophies that have been written, have been only to prove that by knowing which everything is known. If a man wants to know this universe bit by bit he must know every individual grain of sand, which means infinite time; he cannot know all of them. Then how can knowledge be? How is it possible for a man to be all-knowing through particulars?

- The Essence of Bhagavad Gita

23. August 2013

360º= ½ ∞

Ein Kreis ist der Umfang menschlicher Empfindung.
Jeder Grad hat 60 Minuten.
Ein Grad, eine Stunde.
Ein Monat, zwei Kreise, eine Unendlichkeit.

20. August 2013

19. August 2013

Ausgang aus der Falle des Selbst

Wo ist das Tor zum unendlichen Raum?

11. August 2013

die Suche nach Empfinden

Wenn du nichts suchst, passiert irgendwas.
Wenn du danach suchst, läufst du umher und begreifst danach.
Ohne Empfinden keine Suche. 

1. August 2013

live long and prosper

Science says, we burn the same calories, whether we run or walk 10 km.
Just imagine if they discover some day that we get the same amount of experience, happiness or pain, during a lifetime, no matter how we live. Because we pay for it with a certain amount of life energy.

Why don't live it then, the way we like it?
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