25. September 2020

pandoxia pandemica

 People believe in "truths" instead of realising what is as the truth. They chose to use their magic stick to one another and bewitch each other without knowing what they are doing. So much they are charmed by drama.
The conclusion is that at a certain point they lost touch with reality and started believing they can do whatever they wish, without precautions, without skin in the game.
The building is high but not solid. It is one fable put on the other over generations of dogma and cult for ages. We don't walk any more over Earth. We live solely on the tower of our fictions.
We live the drama that we created. We live in the monster that we created putting the pieces of the little "true lies" that we invented...
But this is not the end of the story. A new chapter just turns the page of our logbook.

(to be continued)

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