8. November 2019

The Primordial Schism of the Mind and the Self-Creation Pilgrimage

"A person on Pilgrimage does so on her own, carrying the bare necessities of life on her back, and walking the whole Way. Today, the term Pilgrimage, has barely a meaning, as most are driven, not just to School, University or Athleticism but even to the major pilgrim centres like Work and Family. The actual Walking Pilgrim is a bit of a rarity, but he is the true One, who has laboured months or years through self leverage to arrive at the desireable Shrine, to make his or her commitment. Not that I am decrying other peoples efforts. All I am trying to say, is that a Pilgrim who has walked has seen so much and prepared himself as he walked and is ready and 'cleansed' for the Shrine.

And I believe it should be done alone, for although other people's company on the Walk is enjoyable it lessens the impact of the #Journey. With someone else the attention is lessened and the places seen and explored are not taken in with the same force as when one is alone. Walking alone enables you have a profound deep Experience which if shared is not fully-fledged. By walking alone you discover the places en-route and you never forget what you have experienced. Also, being on your own means that special things will happen to you, which when you belong to any group would just not materialise."
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