18. Februar 2017

the cosmology of Last Word

In the beginning was none
Noness out of nowhere in no-time gave birth to a notion
The notion shaped an image
That was the beginning of a world
An image that creates many
Singular gave birth to Any
Since then one defeats its many 
In order to keep giving birth and feed its power
Suddenly fear of the one and gratitude to one takes place
A Holy War shapes 
A new world of images out of any
Pulsating between a centre and its circumference due to impartial love
Twins realize their loving origin
Try to become one devouring the distance in-between, experience
Love is the womb
What made time is love to tell a story
The story invented the mankind out of its image
Making love
A story needs words to reach the image again
To tell the story in reverse
People keep saying
"In the beginning was a Word
The word strived to the Image
Because the image was the Word"

This is the truth that liberates
Everything in a world comes from its opposite direction and strives back again

But of course these are just my thoughts having coffee and a banana bread 
In Blue Moon
Because whenever there is space and silence a new story comes along
That devours an old
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