24. Juni 2016

manual of a hero

you become a hero by crossing the boundaries of your own limitations, based on your beliefs, for good and for bad. This is your safe world of every day habitual life and fixed awareness. Over the well guarded borders you'll face the unknown of seemingly infinite potentiality.
Because this other world behind the curtain is not mapped yet, you can not walk over solid soil, you need a boat and a compass. In the dark nights of your soul gaze at the stars. The stars are your ideals; never to be reached.

Don't fear the gods, don't worry about death, what is pleasant is easy to enjoy, what is unpleasant is easy to endure... don't quit!

Bon voyage!

over the river

- Θέλω να περάσω απέναντι! Να βρω την γη της επαγγελίας, να βγω στον προορισμό μου, ν αγκαλιάσω την χαρά...
Κοίτα μέσα σου.
Όλες οι γέφυρες είναι μέσα μας και μόνο μέσα μας.
Αυτή είναι η αλήθεια, όλη η αλήθεια η οποία θα σε βγάλει απ την λήθεια, κοινώς λήθη, των απόψεων, των αποφάσεων, της γνώμης, της συζήτησης, της ζήτησης, της προσπάθειας, της προσφοράς, της ανάγκης, του φόβου, της ανησυχίας, της ελπίδας, της πίστης, της εμπιστοσύνης, της εμπειρίας, της καλής πρόθεσης... των ιδανικών.
Όλα αυτά ήταν ταμπέλες να σου δείξουν τον δρόμο. Εάν ερωτευτείς την ταμπέλα, μένεις στο δρόμο. Διάβασε την προσεκτικά και προχώρα. Φτασε στον προορισμό σου κι εκεί θα τα βρεις όλα. Δεν θα σου λείψει τίποτα. Κι όλες οι στερήσεις να γίνουν καπνός. Όλες οι μνήμες σκόνη και φως.
Και κάτι ακόμη. Κι αυτό εδώ είναι μία ταμπέλα.

16. Juni 2016

what can stars do

A philosopher once asked,

"Are we human
because we gaze at the stars,
or do we gaze at them
because we are human?"

Pointless, really-
Do the stars gaze back?

Now, that's a question-
stardust (2007)

the greatest thing

The only crime I've committed
Was being afraid to admit it
But now I take pride in say
I see no other way...

the kiss

Fight for a kiss
A kiss worth fighting
Is the only worthy kiss

14. Juni 2016


I spent most of my life adapting into given circumstances or trying to fight against the circumstances, act or react because of the circumstances, keeping inside a sad picture of a beautiful happy end, how I dreamed to do things differently, if I could only have the right surroundings. I didn't take the time to think about the very foundation of my believes all created, given and perpetuated by people's good intentions. People like me. I was to busy to reflect and change my views, so I kept my good intentions in a world of given views. My life could go on like this, if love wouldn't knock me out in unexpected rounds.

I give up all great actions
Now I'm standing here
tall, relaxed, ready to hear,
accept the sentence of a life I've been living in fear,
waiting for an other one,
of a great dream that was always near

12. Juni 2016

great things are coming when everything seems to go wrong; old energy is clearing out for new to grow

Life seems to our perception
like a building with many rooms to go
Every room has a separated view
and limited comforts though
Where we assumed for long only a wall,
circumstances allow
or force us to discover a new door
That door was closed and maybe locked
Find the key and you will open the way
to a new room that expands your space
Isn't it all about expanding and grow?
This is however reserved to the fearless and the canny,
never the lazy and funny...
Bliss doesn't fall like rain or snow
It's part of the journey of the brave to the unknown
Love you so!

7. Juni 2016

the dark nights of the soul

The best time to develop yourself is when you are in the dark about the future. There you start to open the eyes that can later see in the dark, the ears that can listen and understand everything, the heart of grace and joy. The passage to a higher life is through darkness. So give up your fear and keep walking ...

falling in Grace

If you walk gently, with a sense of wonder and devotion, slowly you will fall into the lap of grace. This is all that is needed to open the doors of life.

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