25. Oktober 2011

at the end what remains is remembrances
of those few people we have joined spirits with

Honored Miss,

I ask you to excuse grievous faults and errors in me for to understand this new language, this new land occupies my time with great effort.
Be assured that what happened to your revered mother is of her world, and not yours.

Do not clutch at pain and pain will pass for I have touched the roots of your suffering, and they will wither. In my country, we say there is a time for each to die.
It is not the death that is so drear, but the fear of death. Fear is the darkness. And I wish you to know, gentle lady, that I am not afraid.

At the end what remains is not riches, not structures of stone but remembrances of those few people we have joined spirits with.

Honored lady,
I bid you

- Lin Wu to Miss McKenzie, Kung Fu - Blood Brothers (1972)

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