17. November 2024

Investigate and explore AI type 2, invest on AI²

Today somewhere I heard in the US American news that the current US president elect had previously promised to investigate the interference of the most renowned social platform with some elections and found guilty to put the CEO of the company in jail for ever.
Here is what I think.

It's more sensible to investigate the mechanisms that made him, her, them or anybody else not just interfere but try to control these or those elections, control the legislative and administrative mechanism or pathways of a whole country. Like one might control the neural pathways of the brain and wherever there are neural networks and thus control the whole organism. Not only then but anytime a group of people can gain so much power, can get so small that they don't need to care about the people or pay attention to the will and the needs of the people in general. This, you, fellow US Americans and us the rest of the world need to investigate and make transparent. If you or us care for the humanity. Otherwise it can easily switch from one type of establishment to an other type of obscure establishment. This is not what we need right now in order to evolve. 
What we need is a serious development of the human condition, the human intelligence, the Anthropo-Intelligence or AI type 2. 
Think about it. 
Don't rush to act or make conclusions without thinking, investigating, exploring your own human intelligence. Invest in your higher Self.
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